Mosule ma numesc Alexandra si am 17 ani , nu ti-am mai scris de mult si asta din cauza faptului ca nu mai sunt o copil dar evenimentele ce se petrec in viata de cu zi, rautatea si invidia oamenilor m-au facut sa ma gandesc la tine si la faptul ca numai tu ai putea schimba asta. Macar in zilele sfintelor sarbatori de Craciun sa fim inconjurati de bunatate si dragoste. In legatura cu mine,vreau sa-ti reamintesc ca am fost cuminte si am reusit sa trec si peste anul acesta fara sa fac vreo prostioara care sa-i supere pe parinti. Ca orice copil, ma gandesc intai la armonia familiei mele si de aceea indraznesc sa te rog sa-mi aduci intr-un colt de sac sanatate,bucurie si liniste sufleteasca. Pentru mine,vreau sa-mi aduci clipe de liniste, note bune si daca mai ramane loc ,pentru ca stiu ca sunt persoane care au nevoie de mai multe lucruri decat mine, te rog sa-mi limpezesti inima si mintea pentru a razbi in viata. Iti multumesc ca ai avut rabdare sa citesti si scrisoarea mea, sunt sigura ca te vei opri din drum si pe la hogeagul casei mele.
1.Pourquoi as tu choisi de venir dans cette école? 2.Tu es venu seul(e) ou tu as des frères? 3.Tes parents ont été d'accord quand tu as décide de venir dans cette l'école? 4.Les professeurs ont fait des discriminations entre toi et les autres élèves? 5.Est-ce-qu'il y a des problèmes en ce qui concerne les camarades? 6.La langue roumaine est-elle une problème pour toi? 7.Quels sont tes projèts pour le futur? 8.Quand tu es venu dans cette école tu as cru que tu n'avais pas d'amis? 9.Comment tu te sens quand tu sais que ta famille est très loin et tu es ici parmi les étrangeres? 10.Il y a des différences entre l'école roumaine et l'école de Moldovie? 11.Tu penses que tu es bien intégré dans l'Ecole Normale?
The 'Vasile Pogor' House is the headquarters of the museum of the modern and contemporary Romanian literature, especially the period of the great classics, of the literary society 'Junimea'. The house was built in 1850 by the high official Vasile Pogor together with his wife Zoe. This date is written on a hexagonal stone found after the diggings carried out for restoration, where the Cyrillic letters legend reads: 'V. Pogor 1850 and his wife Zoe'. The building has a rich long history connected to the Iasi cultural life as it is a place where the intellectuality of the city used to meet, the headquarters of the literary society 'Junimea' (1863) and of the review 'Literary Discussions' (1867). Among the famous personalities who used to attend the Junimea society we first remind the five founders: Titu Maiorescu, Vasile Pogor, P. P. Carp, Th. Rosetti, Jacob Negruzzi, then Mihai Eminescu, Ion Creanga, I. L. Caragiale, Ion Slavici, Vasile Alecsandri, Vasile Conta, A. D. Xenopol, N. Gane, a.s.o. The museum was inaugurated on the 26th of December 1972. The museum itself is made up of twelve rooms of the permanent exhibition and an adjoining building inaugurated in 1994, supposed to protect the entrance to the Pogor House catacombs, restored between 1993 and 1994. They comprise corridors with two-storey ramifications (dating from the 18th and 19th centuries). Here functioned the so-called cultural club 'Junimea', which houses the activities organised by the Iasi Romanian Literature Museum: conferences during the evenings of the review 'Literary Dacia' (reissued by the Iasi Romanian Literature Museum), the literary society 'Junimea', workshops, anniversaries, commemorations of the Romanian cultural personalities, meetings with Romanian or foreign writers, presentations, book and literary reviews launching, music shows, art exhibition inaugurations.
"This cottage became a museum at April 15, 1918. Ion Creanga passed its last two decades of the life while writing, encouraged by Mihai Eminescu, the Tales and Memoirs of the childhood. The last restoration March 1942 - June 1985." In this house Ion Creanga lived between 1872 - 1889. Two windows (cross-shaped) on the one side of the entrance door and the other. The shingle roof (small fir planks tiles) is given life by two symbolic elements: the chimney through which the smoke gets out and the skylight, a kind of fancy eye through which this strange creature breathes. The hut was opened for the public on the 15th of April 1918 - being the first literary memorial museum in Romania. However, the small house has been visited since 1890, immediately after the writer's death, by pupils, students, teachers and journalists. Since the inauguration and until today the house and the museum have been restored and reorganised several times. The second restoration, after the 1918 one, took place between 1933 and 1934. 'Ion Creanga' literary society gathers young creators from Iasi and from the rest of the country; they meet on Sunday every two weeks and they published the volume 'Tales from the Hut', Junimea Publishing House, 1996, with the winners of the 'Ion Creanga' national competition of literary works - 'Tales'. Ion Creanga hut is the most visited museum of Iasi, and it is taken care of by two Romanian language and literature teachers (one is a member of the Writers' Union, researcher in Ion Creanga's life), three supervisors and a cashier. Ion Creanga hut has long represented a symbol. It often stands for the authentic image of the typical Romanian traditional values. It provides the opportunity of knowing an exceptional Romanian creator, an authentic Romanian interior, a genius (Ion Creanga) identified with 'the very Romanian people in its most glorious moments of creativity'.
L’amitié et la communication sont deux des concepts les plus importants du monde moderne mais cela ne signifie pas qu’ils n’étaient pas importants dès l’aube de l’humanité.Il est vital de nous rendre compte du fait que sans la communication un sentiment si profond comme l’amitié ne peut pas survivre. Il est essentiel pour les gens qui ont des sentiments profonds l’un pour l’autre de maintenir des relations qui sont basées sur une communication très étroite.Au moment où la communication disparaît, il est très difficile de continuer une relation comme l’amitié qui se nourrit de communication et de chaleur humaine. Je pense que l`amitié est un choose necessaire pour notre vie, parce-que elle est importante pour comuniquer.Dès les plus jeunes âges, on sent la nécessité de se savoir entourés par des gens qui aiment les mêmes choses que nous et qui se trouvent proche de nous dans les moments de joie et aussi de tristesse.
Friendship is a feeling wich is in two persone and it is very important in a relationship.I thik that frendship is a necesary for aur life,because it help us to comunicate.The friendship and comunications are two importants things in the modern world.without friendship we can`t live. She is esential for people who have deep feelings maintain a relationship. In the moment when the friendship disappear it is difficult to built a relationship.As early as time we feel need to know who feel the person with we stand and if we love one thing.